
How to Register?

Step 1:
  • Click on New registration.
  • Enter Your Valid Mobile Number & Email Id then press on to continue.
  • Then enter both OTP received on mobile & Email respectively then press verify OTP.
  • Then enter Password re-verify.
  • Add username & password and press on sign in.
Step 2:
  • Your form has been open.
  • Fill the form step by step (make sure not a single blank space for star mark before next filling).
  • Distributor name (Do not use any special characters or number it should be only alphabets).
  • Add proper Address.
  • Fill Pan no. , GST no. sequence wise, Tan no. not mandatory (keep it blank).
  • Fill your Bank details.
  • Press on next button.
Step 3:
  • One pop up of notice arrive, read and close it.
  • Add reference id (scroll down side there was reference id).
  • Verify OTP on Email.
  • Upload all the documents (MSME not mandatory).
  • Select category
  • Item list (Download format fill it & upload same format).
  • Press on Submit. (Thank you for submitting Emoji arrive it consider your form has been submitted successfully).